Epic Fail Guy


[10] Knight

finally made a unisex guy fawkes mask using magician's mask plus unthinkable parts to make the eyes and the mouth. the biggest challenge in using the mask is the eye holes, if you don't use any item to correct them, they will look too slanted and it won't resemble the actual design. I managed to make it resemble guy fawkes mask if you only look at it from afar, but once you zoom in you will see all the left over artifacts. can't do anything about them unfortunately.

this is the mask without the eye hole corrections, it looks better as a whole, but there's less resemblance to the actual mask.
only girls have the right hair for the job, and I couldn't find the right hat or cape to build V. the only way I can think of is to use straw hat plus a cylinder to make his hat, but I used up all the items to make the mask.
damn, I couldn't make the mask's mouth the same color as the original because the mouth hole on the magician's mask is too big for any item to hide while building the smile shape.